Make-up and your eyes

Estimarié De Wet - B.Optom (UJ) CAS(SA)
September 21, 2021 by
Make-up and your eyes
Estimarié De Wet - B.Optom (UJ) CAS(SA)
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For many of us makeup is an everyday product and part of our morning routine. We apply makeup out of habit without really thinking too much about it. 

Whether you love the perfect full face makeup look everyday or just prefer a simple and more natural look it is important to remember, our skin and eyes are amazing organs that need to be looked after!

Here are a few things to remember!

Buy makeup from reputable companies
There are many counterfeit makeup suppliers that do not uphold the guidelines set out by cosmetic regulatory bodies. Buying makeup from a trustworthy supplier reduces the risk of harmful ingredients and unhygienic production methods. When using good quality makeup, infections mainly come down to handling.

Clean makeup brushes and applicators regularlyWhen old makeup, dead skin cells and many more impurities stick to makeup brushes, it creates the perfect environment for bacteria to grow and transfer between the skin and makeup repeatedly. Use lukewarm water and a mild soap to clean makeup brushes and applicators and allow it to dry. 

Throw away makeup after 3 months
Bacteria get transferred from the skin to the makeup and can cause eye infections. Try to find shades you are happy to use often so that you can try to use up the makeup in 3 months rather than having multiple rarely used shades that need to be thrown away. Liquid eyeliner is also the perfect place for bacteria to grow and needs to be replaced regularly. Eyeliner pencils can be sharpened to remove the top layer that might be covered with bacteria.

Monitor your makeup use:
One can develop an allergy to make-up that you have been using for years. This will present as itching, redness and flaky dry spots. If you do start to experience symptoms, consider going without makeup for a while and switching over to a different brand.

At Spectacle Warehouse we offer hypoallergenic makeup options that have been formulated by both an ophthalmologist and dermatologist. This is a very good option for those who have allergic reactions to makeup. 

Many times makeup detaches from the skin and goes into the eye. Try to avoid glittery eye make-up as these tend to flake off and irritate the eye more. 

Use it correctly:
Do not apply makeup directly to the tight line (upper lid margin) or water line (lower lid margin) as this can block the meibomian gland openings and is one of the main causes of meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD). 

The tear film is made up of 3 layers:

  • Lipid (oily) layer

  • Aqueous (water) layer 

  • Mucin (mucus like) layer

Dry eye disease is the result of any one of these layers not being formed properly.

The meibomian glands are responsible for producing the lipid layer of the tear film. These glands are present in the upper and lower eyelids and their openings are on the lid margin. MGD presents when the oil inside the gland thickens and blocks the gland.

Symptoms of dry eye disease include burning, tearing, grittiness and haziness. 

Treatment for MGD involves applying heat to the eyelids, lid margin debridement and gland expression. Contact Spectacle Warehouse to book your Jenvis dry eye screening and treatment sessions!

Remove makeup properly
Take time to remove makeup properly. It is of utmost importance that no makeup gets left behind on the eyelids or lashes as this can cause eyelid irritations and MGD.   

Eyecleanse eyelid cleanser wipes or foam as well as the Derm eyes make-up remover wipes are great options to properly remove stubborn makeup. Find these wonderful products at any Spectacle Warehouse branch.

Be kind to your eyes! Contact Spectacle Warehouse for more information!

Make-up and your eyes
Estimarié De Wet - B.Optom (UJ) CAS(SA) September 21, 2021
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