We are relocating. We are not gone

By Sonja Moolman - B.Optom (RAU)
June 15, 2020 by
We are relocating. We are not gone
Sonja Moolman
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Our lease ran its term, and we were in the process of relocating when we were snookered by Covid -19. However, it is with contentment that we can close the old chapter and getting ready start a brand new one. Even though we are not sure exactly when, I know this time has been given to us to plan, reflect, and make sure we come back even better and stronger. 

We are grateful and feel blessed to have built such a wonderful patient following. It has been ten fantastic years serving the community, and it is far from over. I have met so many people who made such a positive impact on my life. Moms coming in with kids and giving me, a first-time mom, advice on motherhood. Grandmas and grandpas coming in and asking me how my kids are doing and showing off their grandkids. The feeling when you are the reason a child can see clearly for the first time. When a mom phones in tears to thank you for helping her child. Making an older person do cross word puzzles again, a scuba diver to see his gauges, a cyclist riding with confidence because he can see. The list goes on.... These are the events that make my job so rewarding.

So I want to thank each and every one who came through our doors. 

At present, we are operating out of our Kenilworth branch and will be there two days a week for consultations. We are also still supplying your contact lenses and delivering to your door. Our number has stayed the same and Rika will answer all your queries and we will help you as far as possible.

We are therefore NOT GONE, we are RELOCATING. We will send information as soon as we are ready to serve again. 

For ten years.... I salute you...... now I buckle down for ten more! 

Yours in eye care

We are relocating. We are not gone
Sonja Moolman June 15, 2020
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