How can Sinusitis influence your eyes?

By Mardeen Tait - (UFS) CAS(SA)
September 18, 2019 by
How can Sinusitis influence your eyes?
By Mardeen Tait - (UFS) CAS(SA)
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The change from winter to spring is a very exciting time for most of us, but for the rest who suffer from seasonal sinusitis or allergies it is less so. They may be a little hesitant to embrace the warmer weather and change of season.

Severe headaches, nasal congestion, pressure or facial tenderness, a sore and itchy throat and an uncomfortable cough are common symptoms that indicate that your sinuses or allergies are acting up.

But, did you know?

A severe infection of the sinuses can also cause pressure build up behind the eye, which can create pain in one or both eyes. This is usually a referred pain from the sinuses and not an ocular pain.

This infection can then cause pain in the eye, redness, swelling eyelids, impaired eye movement and double vision. If you have these symptoms, it’s advisable that you visit your health care practitioner as you might need an antibiotic to clear the infection and to gain some relief.

While being on anti-allergy treatment, you can also do cold compresses to the eye area, frequently use artificial tears throughout the day, reduce contact-lens wear and rather wear your spectacles to avoid straining your eyes.

Sinus infections is also caused by seasonal allergies.

Allergies can cause eye symptoms such as itchiness, redness, wateriness and puffy, swollen eyes, for which OTC antihistamine eye drops also may be useful.

Mast Cell Stabilizer Allergy Eye drops help to prevent the release of histamine and other chemicals made by your body during an allergic reaction. Mast cell stabilizers are made to prevent your symptoms. You may be able to use these drops for many months without any side effects.

Please visit us if you are uncertain about any of these symptoms. 

How can Sinusitis influence your eyes?
By Mardeen Tait - (UFS) CAS(SA) September 18, 2019
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